Italy - At Risk of Poverty rate before social transfers: From 18 to 64 years was 27.50% in December of 2022, according to the EUROSTAT. Trading Economics provides the current actual value, an historical data chart and related indicators for Italy - At Risk of Poverty rate before social transfers: From 18 to 64 years - last updated from the EUROSTAT on May of 2024. Historically, Italy - At Risk of Poverty rate before social transfers: From 18 to 64 years reached a record high of 29.80% in December of 2021 and a record low of 22.60% in December of 2010.

At Risk Of Poverty Rate Before Social Transfers: From 18 To 64 Years
Country Last Previous Unit Reference
Ireland 28.60 30.80 % Dec 2022
Italy 27.50 29.80 % Dec 2022
France 27.00 27.40 % Dec 2022
Bulgaria 25.60 25.50 % Dec 2023
Latvia 25.50 25.80 % Dec 2023
Euro Area 25.50 27.30 % Dec 2022
Belgium 25.30 25.30 % Dec 2023
Estonia 24.70 24.60 % Dec 2023
Romania 24.20 23.50 % Dec 2023
Germany 23.30 24.30 % Dec 2023
Greece 22.80 23.60 % Dec 2023
Austria 22.60 24.60 % Dec 2023
Netherlands 21.40 21.60 % Dec 2023
Croatia 19.80 18.10 % Dec 2023
Slovenia 18.70 18.50 % Dec 2023
Italy | Poverty
Aggregate replacement ratio for pensions (excluding other social benefits)
Aggregate replacement ratio for pensions (excluding other social benefits): Females
Aggregate replacement ratio for pensions (excluding other social benefits): Males
At Risk of Poverty rate
At Risk of Poverty rate after social transfers
At Risk of Poverty rate after social transfers: Females
At Risk of Poverty rate after social transfers: Males
At Risk of Poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005): 65 years or over
At Risk of Poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005): Females
At Risk of Poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005): From 18 to 64 years
At Risk of Poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005): Less than 18 years
At Risk of Poverty rate anchored at a fixed moment in time (2005): Males
At Risk of Poverty rate before social transfers: 65 years or over
At Risk of Poverty rate before social transfers: From 18 to 64 years
At Risk of Poverty rate before social transfers: Less than 18 years
At Risk of Poverty rate for pensioners
At Risk of Poverty rate for pensioners: Females
At Risk of Poverty rate for pensioners: Males
At Risk of Poverty rate of elderly people
At Risk of Poverty rate of elderly people: Owner
At Risk of Poverty rate of elderly people: Tenant
At Risk of Poverty rate of households with at least one dependent child: High work intensity (0.55-0.85)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households with at least one dependent child: Low work intensity (0.2-0.45)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households with at least one dependent child: Medium work intensity (0.45-0.55)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households with at least one dependent child: Not very low work intensity (0.2-1)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households with at least one dependent child: Very high work intensity (0.85-1)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households with at least one dependent child: Very low work intensity (0-0.2)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households without dependent children: High work intensity (0.55-0.85)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households without dependent children: Low work intensity (0.2-0.45)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households without dependent children: Medium work intensity (0.45-0.55)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households without dependent children: Not very low work intensity (0.2-1)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households without dependent children: Very high work intensity (0.85-1)
At Risk of Poverty rate of households without dependent children: Very low work intensity (0-0.2)
At Risk of Poverty rate of older people: 60 years or over
At Risk of Poverty rate of older people: 65 years or over
At Risk of Poverty rate of older people: 75 years or over
At Risk of Poverty rate of older people: Less than 60 years
At Risk of Poverty rate of older people: Less than 65 years
At Risk of Poverty rate of older people: Less than 75 years
At Risk of Poverty rate: Employed persons
At Risk of Poverty rate: Females
At Risk of Poverty rate: From 25 to 54 years
At Risk of Poverty rate: From 55 to 64 years
At Risk of Poverty rate: Males
At Risk of Poverty rate: Not employed persons
At Risk of Poverty rate: Other inactive persons
At Risk of Poverty rate: Owner
At Risk of Poverty rate: Population
At Risk of Poverty rate: Retired persons
At Risk of Poverty rate: Single person
At Risk of Poverty rate: Tenant
At Risk of Poverty rate: Three or more adults
At Risk of Poverty rate: Two adults younger than 65 years
At Risk of Poverty rate: Unemployed persons
At Risk of Poverty threshold: Single person
At Risk of Poverty threshold: Two adults with two children younger than 14 years
At Risk of Poverty-rate: Less than primary, primary and lower secondary education (levels 0-2)
At Risk of Poverty-rate: Tertiary education (levels 5-8)
At Risk of Poverty-rate: Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education (levels 3 and 4)
Depth of material deprivation
Dispersion around the at Risk of Poverty threshold for elderly people: at Risk of Poverty rate (cut-off point: 40% of median equivalised income)
Dispersion around the at Risk of Poverty threshold for elderly people: at Risk of Poverty rate (cut-off point: 50% of median equivalised income)
Dispersion around the at Risk of Poverty threshold for elderly people: at Risk of Poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median equivalised income after social transfers)
Dispersion around the at Risk of Poverty threshold for elderly people: at Risk of Poverty rate (cut-off point: 70% of median equivalised income)
Dispersion around the at Risk of Poverty threshold: at Risk of Poverty rate (cut-off point: 40% of median equivalised income)
Dispersion around the at Risk of Poverty threshold: at Risk of Poverty rate (cut-off point: 50% of median equivalised income)
Dispersion around the at Risk of Poverty threshold: at Risk of Poverty rate (cut-off point: 60% of median equivalised income after social transfers)
Dispersion around the at Risk of Poverty threshold: at Risk of Poverty rate (cut-off point: 70% of median equivalised income)
Gender differences in the aggregate replacement ratio for pensions (excluding other social benefits)
Gender differences in the at Risk of Poverty rate: 65 years or over
Gender differences in the at Risk of Poverty rate: Less than 65 years
Gender differences in the relative income of elderly people (65+)
Gender differences in the relative income of older people: Persons aged 60 years and over compared to persons aged less than 60 years
Gender differences in the relative income of older people: Persons aged 75 years and over compared to persons aged less than 75 years
In work at Risk of Poverty rate
In Work at Risk of Poverty Rate
In Work at Risk of Poverty Rate: Females
In Work at Risk of Poverty Rate: Full-time
In Work at Risk of Poverty Rate: Males
In Work at Risk of Poverty Rate: Part-time
Material Deprivation rate: 65 years or over
Material Deprivation rate: Females
Material Deprivation rate: From 18 to 64 years
Material Deprivation rate: Less than 18 years
Material Deprivation rate: Males
Median relative income of elderly people
Median relative income of elderly people (60+)
Median relative income of elderly people (60+): Females
Median relative income of elderly people (60+): Males
Overcrowding rate
Overcrowding rate (without single-person households): 65 years or over
Overcrowding rate (without single-person households): Above 60% of median equivalised income
Overcrowding rate (without single-person households): Below 60% of median equivalised income
Overcrowding rate (without single-person households): Females
Overcrowding rate (without single-person households): From 18 to 64 years
Overcrowding rate (without single-person households): Less than 18 years
Overcrowding rate (without single-person households): Males
Overcrowding rate: 65 years or over
Overcrowding rate: Above 60% of median equivalised income
Overcrowding rate: Below 60% of median equivalised income
Overcrowding rate: Cities
Overcrowding rate: Females
Overcrowding rate: From 18 to 64 years
Overcrowding rate: Less than 18 years
Overcrowding rate: Males
Overcrowding rate: Owner, no outstanding mortgage or housing loan
Overcrowding rate: Owner, with mortgage or loan
Overcrowding rate: Rural areas
Overcrowding rate: Single person
Overcrowding rate: Tenant, rent at market price
Overcrowding rate: Tenant, rent at reduced price or free
Overcrowding rate: Three or more adults
Overcrowding rate: Towns and suburbs
Overcrowding rate: Two adults
People at risk of income poverty after social transfers
People at Risk of Poverty after social transfer
People at Risk of Poverty after social transfers
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion: 18 years or over
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion: 65 years or over
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion: Females
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion: From 12 to 17 years
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion: From 18 to 64 years
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion: From 6 to 11 years
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion: Less than 18 years
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion: Less than 6 years
People at Risk of Poverty or social exclusion: Males
People living in households with very low work intensity
People living in households with very low work intensity: Females
People living in households with very low work intensity: Males
Persistent at Risk of Poverty rate: 65 years or over
Persistent at Risk of Poverty rate: Females
Persistent at Risk of Poverty rate: From 18 to 24 years
Persistent at Risk of Poverty rate: Less than 18 years
Persistent at Risk of Poverty rate: Males
Population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household
Population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household: Above 60% of median equivalised income
Population having neither a bath, nor a shower, nor indoor flushing toilet in their household: Below 60% of median equivalised income
Population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation or rot in window frames of floor
Population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation or rot in window frames of floor: Above 60% of median equivalised income
Population living in a dwelling with a leaking roof, damp walls, floors or foundation or rot in window frames of floor: Below 60% of median equivalised income
Relative median at Risk of Poverty gap
Relative median at Risk of Poverty risk gap: 16 years or over
Relative median at Risk of Poverty risk gap: 18 years or over
Relative median at Risk of Poverty risk gap: 65 years or over
Relative median at Risk of Poverty risk gap: 75 years or over
Relative median at Risk of Poverty risk gap: From 16 to 64 years
Relative median at Risk of Poverty risk gap: Less than 16 years
Relative median at Risk of Poverty risk gap: Less than 18 years
Relative median poverty risk gap
Relative median poverty risk gap of elderly people: 65 years or over
Relative median poverty risk gap of elderly people: 75 years or over
Relative median poverty risk gap: 65 years or over
Relative median poverty risk gap: From 18 to 64 years
Relative median poverty risk gap: Less than 18 years
Severe housing deprivation rate: Owner, with mortgage or loan
Severe housing deprivation rate: Tenant, rent at market price
Severe material deprivation rate
Severe material deprivation rate: Females
Severe material deprivation rate: Males
Severely materially deprived people
Severely materially deprived people: Severe material deprivation
Italy | EUROSTAT Indicators