Senegal Imports from United Kingdom of Insulated Wire, Cable and Other Insulated Electric Conductors was US$1.81 Million during 2022, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.

senegal Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Balance of Trade -187.50 -319.40 -27.93 -514.80 XOF Billion [+]
Current Account to GDP -17.50 -10.40 -4.20 -20.10 percent of GDP [+]
Current Account -2538.00 -2037.30 -81.70 -2538.00 XOF Billion [+]
Exports 291.80 287.60 378.00 53.19 XOF Billion [+]
Imports 479.30 607.00 800.50 114.49 XOF Billion [+]
Capital Flows -2025.40 -1854.10 1851.70 -2025.40 XOF Billion [+]
Terms of Trade 101.10 101.60 118.50 -550.00 points [+]
Terrorism Index 0.00 1.11 3.88 0.00 Points [+]