This page displays a table with Haiti Imports By Category in U.S. dollars, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade.

Haiti Handel Sidste Forrige Højeste Laveste Unit
Handelsbalance -156.15 -114.48 -22.04 -222.42 Usd Million [+]
Betalingsbalance Til Bnp -0.40 -3.50 0.40 -8.20 Procent Af Bnp [+]
Eksport 63.01 82.22 142.87 14.47 Usd Million [+]
Import 219.16 194.30 315.47 81.82 Usd Million [+]
Pengeoverførsler 3797.75 3994.39 3994.39 810.00 Usd Million [+]
Guldreserver 1.81 1.81 1.81 0.03 Tons [+]
Udlandsgæld til BNP 9.60 11.20 19.60 3.00 Procent Af Bnp [+]
Terrorisme Indeks 0.00 0.00 3.53 0.00 Points [+]